$7 Sponsor Challenge

Learn How To Gain A Sponsor And Let Your “Hobby” Pay For Itself!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I’m just a local guy. Will this work for me?

A: Definitely. This course was precisely made for racers like YOU because you truly can gain a sponsor with the right guidance, training, and mindset about racing.

Q: What makes this different from other courses?

A: You will get unparalleled support. Anytime you need help, you can reach out and expect me to respond. I don’t just hand you information. I also build relationships with Bootcamp members to make sure they’re cared for.

Q: I’m a car builder. Is this course only for racers?

A: While this course is geared towards helping racers gain sponsors, the principles taught in the course are applicable to other businesses. In fact, one of our members, Heidi, is a car builder.